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  1. 安装之初,Asis就按飞机的声波标记图进行了校准。
    When first set up, Asis is calibrated to the acoustic signature of the aircraft.
  2. 最常用的是线、条形、列、区域、网格标记图、饼和堆栈等等。
    The most commonly used are lines, bars, columns, areas, grid, markers, pie, stacked, and so on.
  3. 伯恩斯说山体滑坡领域的研究,下一个突破口是绘制已发生山体滑坡处标记图,因为那些地方很有可能再次发生灾害。
    Burns said that the next frontier in landslide science is mapping where landslides have struck in the past, because that's where they're most likely to strike again.

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