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 标记处理 添加此单词到默认生词本
label processing

  1. 如果我们开发的是几个标记或者定义有标记变量的标记,那么我们就会有多个标记处理程序类。
    If we were developing several tags or defining tags with tag variables, we would have multiple tag handler classes.
  2. 首要问题是将翻译标记处理成大家都知道的属性的形式,以表示该元素已经翻译过了。
    The first issue is to handle a translation tag in the form of a well-known attribute to indicate that an element has been translated.
  3. 标记处理程序和TLD确定在请求时,从JS p页面内如何解释和处理这些标记及其属性和主体。
    Tag handlers and TLDs determine how the tags, their attributes, and their bodies will be interpreted and processed at request time from inside a JSP page.

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