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 柯西中值 [kē xī zhōng zhí添加此单词到默认生词本
Cauchy mean

  1. 并且还对柯西中值定理进行了另一种推广。
    And also the theorem of mean has carried on another kind of promotion to the tan oak west.
  2. 但是柯西中值定理并没有明确给出计算点ξ的方法以及相关极限和导数的求法。
    However, The ξ of Cauchy's Theorem doesn't give any definite methods to calculate ξ or the relevant limit or the derivative.
  3. 通过解析函数的幂级数展开,得到了复函数的高阶柯西中值定理“中值点”的渐近性结果,推广了文[2]的结论.。
    In this paper, we get a new result of high degree Cauchy mean value theorem of complex variable, which extend the known results.

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