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 柯西中值定理 添加此单词到默认生词本
[数] Cauchy mean value theorem

  1. 本文推广了达布定理,并用它给出了柯西中值定理的一个新证明。
    This paper generalizes the Darboux's theorem and moreover gives a new proof of the Cuachy's mean-value theorem.
  2. 本文根据区间套的方法,证明柯西中值定理,而把罗尔定理和拉格朗日中值定理作为它的推论。
    Cauchy's theorem of the mean is proved by means of nested intervals, with Rolle's and Lagrange's theorems of the mean as its corollaries.
  3. 本文分别用不同于教材的两种方法证明了拉格朗日中值定理柯西中值定理,并对微分中值定理加以推广。
    The paper proves Lagrange mean theorem and Cauchy mean theorem with two methods different from that in the textbook, and generalizes Lagrange mean theorem.

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