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 柯西定理 添加此单词到默认生词本
[数] Cauchy theorem

  1. 本文就罗尔定理、拉格朗日定理柯西定理三者的区别与联系作了分析与探讨。
    The paper makes an analysis and inquiry about the differences among the Roue Theorem. Lagrange Thoorem and Cauchy Theorem.
  2. 在复函数论的教学改革中,利用外微分工具简洁地证明了著名的柯西定理和公式。
    In course of the education reform of complex function theory, the author uses the exterior differential tools shortly to prove well—known Cauchy theorem and formulas.
  3. 考察了柯西定理的起源及演化的历史过程,并论述了柯西定理发现的必然性及所体现的思想方法。
    The historical process of the origin and development of Cauchy theorem is investigated, the necessity of discovering Cauchy theorem and the mentality that it expresses are discussed.

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