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 枝隙 [zhī xì添加此单词到默认生词本
[植] branch gap

  1. 我将在七叶树的间推送您的秋千;向晚的玉轮将挣扎着从叶里吻您的衣裙。
    I will swing you in a swing among the branches of the saptaparna, where the early evening moon will struggle to kiss your skirt through the leaves.
  2. 另以大挂绣球、珍珠莲和爱玉子等为攀附蔓藤代表的缓下坡林缘疏区和陡坡林下区植物社会;
    Awkeotsang represents the association of areas at steep slope or beneath the tree crown and at forest edge with small interruption of tree crown usually at lower slope.

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