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 枢轴轴承 添加此单词到默认生词本
trunnion bearing

  1. 卡车枢轴轴承箱板螺栓的一方渠道 , 让没有任何其他拆除洛科的卡车容易清除。
    The truck pivot bearing housing plate bolts to the side channels to allow easy removal of a truck without any other loco dismantling.
  2. 为了减小在按钮和驱动部件相对转动时产生的摩擦力,力通过枢轴轴承(18,22)被传递。
    In order to minimize the friction occurring between the push button and the driving part when relatively rotated forces are transmitted via a pivot bearing (18, 22).
  3. 在这次展会上,该公司将主要推销其用于办公椅枢轴点的自润滑塑料滑动轴承
    In this exhibition, the company will sell its main office chair pivot point for the self-lubricating plastic plain bearings.

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