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 枢纽区 添加此单词到默认生词本
nodal region

  1. 海岸带是人类了解和开发海洋的前沿地带和社会经济发展枢纽区
    Coastal zone is the primary foreland where human being had began to utilize sea and ocean.
  2. 其施工及蓄水过程中会产生一系列的问题,导致枢纽区环境地质的变更。
    Its construction and retaining water process will produce a series of problem which will cause the change of environmental geology in junction area.
  3. 本文采用该方法对某大型水电站枢纽区两岸不同高程勘探平铜洞壁应力场作了较系统测试。
    The method was adopted to test the stress field of the adits with different elevations on both banks of a large hydropower station.

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