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 显微摄影 [xiǎn wēi shè yǐng添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 方法:分别采用显微摄影、光谱及色谱等方法,对花粉进行定性鉴别与定量分析。
    Methods: The microscopic features of powder was observed, Its fingerprints were given by UV、IR、SDS-PAGE and HPLC.
  2. 最近实验室也获准设置双光子式的显微镜,可以以高解析度的数位显微摄影技术,来针对神经网络活动的过程进行快速且同步的摄影观察。
    The lab has also recently gained access to a two-photon microscope setup, as well as acquired our own high-resolution digital video microcamera for rapid, real-time visualization of network activity.
  3. 1987年,一具连接著显微镜的摄影机,拍摄了极微小齿轮的相片,每个齿轮的直径和人的头发差不多。
    In 1987 a camera attached to a microscope snapped images of tiny gears, each of which had a diameter approaching that of the proverbial human hair.

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