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 显微操纵 [xiǎn wēi cāo zòng添加此单词到默认生词本
[生物] micromanipulation

  1. 显微外科,显微手术借助显微镜和其它专业仪器,如显微操纵器材等对微小的身体结构或细胞进行的手术。
    Surgery on minute body structures or cells performed with the aid of a microscope and other specialized instruments, such as a micromanipulator.
  2. 将哮喘病理血清与在体外培养的大鼠肺内皮细胞共同孵育,分别用离心法和显微操纵技术对细胞黏附进行体外研究。
    Confluent rat pulmonary endothelial cells were incubated with serum collected from rat blood of normal and asthmatic models, and used for study of endothelial cell adhesion in vitro.
  3. 考虑传统激光显微操纵器的缺点,采用反射式结构设计了新的激光显微操纵器,以提高激光显微操纵器输出光斑的质量。
    In consideration of the shortcomings of traditional laser micro-manipulators, a laser micro-manipulator with the reflection structure was designed to improve the quality and reliability of spots.

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