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[临床] micro-injection
[临床] microinjection

  1. 用基因打靶技术制备乳腺生物反应器,克服了显微注射法的众多缺陷。
    Producing mammary gland bioreactor using gene targeting shows great advantage over pronuclear microinjection.
  2. 目的研究第一极体位置对卵母细胞显微注射受精后受精和胚胎发育的影响。
    Objective To investigate the effect of the first polar body position during the intracytoplasmic sperm injection on fertilization and embryo development.
  3. 针对微注射针刺膜速度慢和定位精度差等问题,研制了显微注射用数字化进退针装置。
    To solve the problems of low speed and precision of micropipette movement, a novel digital piercing and withdrawing micropipette device (DPWMD) was presented for microinjection.

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