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 春晚 添加此单词到默认生词本
Spring Festival Gala

  1. 春晚已经不像以往那么的重要了。
    The Spring Festival Gala is already not as important as it used to be.
  2. “我和你”拥有热情的歌词和曲调,它展示了“环球春晚”的主题——全球人们手拉手。
    With warm lyrics and melody, "I Love You" fully displays the theme of The Global Spring Festival Gala, that is, "World's People Hand-in-Hand".
  3. 教育部称央视春晚太闹不适合年三十,年三十应该是家人团聚、安静守岁的时刻。 教育部举办的春晚将"主打文化内涵"。
    The ministry said state broadcaster CCTV's annual Spring Festival Gala is too noisy for the eve, when family members should get together and stay up quietly all night.

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