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 春灌 [chūn guàn添加此单词到默认生词本
spring irrigation
irrigate in spring

  1. 因为对于他们而言,春分已经到来,春灌、春种、春耕正在陆续展开,正值春季大忙时期。
    Because for them, the spring equinox has come, spring irrigation and spring species, spring is being carried out one after another, when the busy spring period.
  2. 试验证明,适时冬灌比早春灌,具有良好的防旱防冻、促根壮蘖增穗作用;
    This research indicated that winter irrigation of suitable time has better effect on preventing drought and freeze, promoting root growth, enhancing tiller and ear than early spring irrigation.
  3. 用叶绿素荧光诱导动力学技术,研究冬小麦旗叶光合功能对春灌的响应状况。
    Modulated chlorophyll fluorescence induction kinetics was used to investigate the effect of the spring irrigation on the photosynthetic functions of flag leaves of different winter wheat cultivars.

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