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 春玉米 添加此单词到默认生词本
[作物] spring corn

  1. 以常规小畦平播为对照,探讨了春玉米田在不同覆盖条件下的耗水特征。
    With conventional cultivation model as comparison, water consumption characteristics of spring maize under different mulching patterns were studied.
  2. 通过冬小麦、春玉米多点大田试验得知,两种作物的产量与土壤速效磷的含量呈极显著的正相关。
    Through field experiment in soil with winter wheat and spring corn, the yields of two crops are in significantly positive correlation with the amount of fast P in soil.
  3. 春玉米的主要生长发育特性为:大田初期株高日增量大,叶片早生快发,生长旺盛;
    The main growth and developmental characteristics of spring maize were shown as follows:higher plant height increment per day and exuberant growth of leaves in the early stage;

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