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 收费隧道 添加此单词到默认生词本
toll tunnels

  1. 沙田至长沙湾段全长约6公里,由高架道路及收费隧道群组成。
    The section of Tsing Sha Highway between Sha Tin and Cheung Sha Wan is about 6 km in length, comprising viaduct and tolled tunnels.
  2. 设计新的公路收费系统的热潮正在全世界兴起,已不只包括高速公路、桥梁和隧道,甚至包括整个城市中心与国家公路网络。
    Elaborate new toll systems are popping up all over the world. And it is no longer just highways, Bridges or tunnels that get tolled, but entire city centres or national road networks.
  3. RFID技术同业也应用在无线收税关口和桥梁、隧道的无人收费路口中。
    RFID technology is also widely used in wireless toll passes for Bridges and tunnels and in contactless travel passes.

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