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 收集信息 [shōu jí xìn xī添加此单词到默认生词本
gather information
information collection

  1. 至少有两个与会者表示极其不舒服,他们称坐在那里只是为了收集信息,而不是为了参与。
    At least two people attending were extremely uneasy about the meetings, and have said that they are only there to gather information, not participate.
  2. 您只需将自己放在用户的位置上,然后尝试创建一组屏幕。 这些屏幕将帮助用户以最快的速度收集信息并做出决策。
    Just put yourself in the users' position and try to create a set of screens that will help them gather information and make decisions as fast as possible.
  3. 但是,这是一项有着新花样的研究,因为研究的目的是使处理这个主题的一种新方法标准化—这种方法将通过许多方式收集信息而不需要依靠这么多的人手来测量。
    But this is a study with a twist, for its purpose is to calibrate a new approach to the subject—one that will gather information by the bucketload without the need to rely on quite so many boots.

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