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 收集系数 添加此单词到默认生词本
collection coefficient

  1. 局部收集系数反映了空气中过冷水滴的撞击特性,对其进行计算是防、除冰研究的重要方面。
    It is a significant aspect for research of local collection efficiencies that reflect the impingement properties of the super cooling water droplets in the air.
  2. 系数将具体到每个组织,并且可以通过收集一两个项目量度按经验寻找。
    This coefficient will be specific to each organization and can be found empirically by collecting metrics over a project or two.
  3. 例如,对于实现按需运行的报告(它从关系数据库收集统计信息,并向用户显示这些信息)来说,这就是一种好方法。
    For instance, this would be a good approach to implementing a run on demand report that compiles statistics from the relational data and displays them to the user.

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