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 接口装置 添加此单词到默认生词本
interface unit
interface device

  1. 字(词)处理技术中采用的一种接口装置,当把它接到一台打字机上时,可以将它转变成一台低级文字处理器。
    In word processing, an interface device which connects to a typewriter converting it into a low level word processor.
  2. 人民银行提供的组件和IBM公司PC机. They provided video cards, memory expansion cards, input-output port cards, game port cards, hard disk interface cards, and much more.他们提供的录像卡扩充记忆卡,输入输出港口卡、游戏卡港口、硬盘接口卡、多. How were all these various devices able to interface with the PC's operating system?怎么都是这些装置能够接口与PC机操作系统? That's where a "driver" comes in.这正是一个"司机"的地方.
    And people did provide components for the IBM PC.
  3. 是否有足够的港口和装置权利要求你组合接口业务?
    Does the device have adequate number of ports and the right mix of interfaces as required by your business?

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