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 接口要求 添加此单词到默认生词本
[计] interface requirement

  1. 采用系统集成的设计思想,各实验单元在满足接口要求的条件下,单独进行研制;
    Every experimental unit of the integrated system was developed separately that they satisfied the interface requirements.
  2. 和在客户端一样,封装的接口要求应用程序代码从收到的封装器对象中提取数据,并构造将要发送的封装器对象。
    As on the client, the wrapped interface requires the application code to extract data from received wrapper objects and construct wrapper objects to be sent.
  3. 接口要求我传入一组主键作为完整的对象,DAO 实现将返回对象的 Map。
    The interface requires that I pass in an array of the primary keys for which I want full objects, and the DAO implementation will return a Map of the objects.

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