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 接合力 [jiē hé lì添加此单词到默认生词本
engaging force

  1. 产品特点:①高性能水液压动力系统,接合力强、动作顺畅;②(气)液缸为通过ISO9001认证的名牌产品;③独特设计的自动调压合装置,确保整支榫头尾接合力一致、牢固;④对压力最大可超过10吨。
    Product characteristic:①The high performance water hydraulic pressure dynamic system, the engaging force strong, the movement is smooth;②(Is mad) the fluid cylinder for through the ISO9001 authentication famous brand goods;③The unique design automatic accent compression connection puts all in one load sets, guarantees the entire supported joint tenon tail engaging force to be consistent, to be reliable;④The docking pressure may surpass 10 tons most greatly.
  2. 木机产品特点:①高性能水液压动力系统,接合力强、动作顺畅;②(气)液缸为通过ISO9001认证的名牌产品;③独特设计的自动调压合装置,确保整支榫头尾接合力一致、牢固;④对压力最大可超过10吨。
    Connect wood machine Product characteristic:①The high performance water hydraulic pressure dynamic system, the engaging force strong, the movement is smooth;②(Is mad) the fluid cylinder for through the ISO9001 authentication famous brand goods;③The unique design automatic accent compression connection puts all in one load sets, guarantees the entire supported joint tenon tail engaging force to be consistent, to be reliable;④The docking pressure may surpass 10 tons most greatly.
  3. 梳齿榫对机、指机、木机MH1520-1560系列产品特点:①高性能水液压动力系统,接合力强、动作顺畅;②(气)液缸为通过ISO9001认证的名牌产品;③独特设计的自动调压合装置,确保整支榫头尾接合力一致、牢固;④对压力最大可超过10吨。
    Comb tenon docking machine, refers meets machine, meets the wooden devices MH1520-1560 series product characteristic:①The high performance water hydraulic pressure dynamic system, the engaging force strong, the movement is smooth;②(Is mad) the fluid cylinder for through the ISO9001 authentication famous brand goods;③The unique design automatic accent compression connection puts all in one load sets, guarantees the entire supported joint tenon tail engaging force to be consistent, to be reliable;④The docking pressure may surpass 10 tons most greatly.

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