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 指挥塔台 添加此单词到默认生词本
control tower

  1. 机场管制塔台(ATCT) -有正规航班的每一个机场都有空中交通管制塔台,即地面指挥控制中心。
    Air traffic control tower (ATCT) - An ATCT is located at every airport that has regularly scheduled flights.
  2. 在上空滞留的飞机没有减少之前,空中交通指挥塔台已命令往外飞的客机继续推迟起飞时间。
    But until the backlog of flights in the air could be reduced, atc had ordered further delays of outbound traffic.
  3. 我们的飞机虽然关门了,但这时候起飞的飞机比较多,我们还需要等待塔台部门的指挥
    The aircraft door has been closed, but there is a lot of traffic now, so we have to wait for the clearance from the air traffic control tower.

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