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 指挥系统 添加此单词到默认生词本
chain of command
command system

  1. IBCS是美军现代化工作的一部分,它将目前和未来的空中与导弹防御系统综合到一个共同作战指挥系统
    IBCS is part of the Army's modernization effort; it will integrate current and future air and missile defense systems into a common battle command system.
  2. 中国太空项目追踪和指挥系统的副总设计师谢景文在交会对接任务网站上的一段视频中说,北京还在使用智利和澳大利亚的太空跟踪站。
    Now, Beijing uses ground stations in Chile and Australia as well, Xie Jingwen, a designer of the docking mission's tracking and command system, said in the video message on the mission's website.
  3. 该计划的未来工作将包括设立一个网关和基站,提供与无线战术网络和作战指挥系统的集成能力。
    Planned future efforts will include a gateway and base stations to provide integration with tactical radio networks and battle command systems.

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