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 指掌侧固有动脉 添加此单词到默认生词本
arteriae digitaies palmares propriae
arteriae digitales volares propriae

  1. 指掌侧固有动脉、神经及静脉的位置、管径进行了观测。
    The position and diameter of the proper palmar arteries, nerves and veins were observed and measured.
  2. 指掌侧固有动脉、静脉和神经的位置、形态进行了观测。
    The position and morphology of the proper palmar digital arteries, veins and nerves were observed and measured.
  3. 皮瓣的桡动脉浅支、静脉及神经分别与指掌侧固有动脉背静脉及指掌侧固有神经吻合。
    The superficial palmar branch of radial artery, vein and nerve of the flap were anastomosed with digitales volares propriae artery, digitales dorsales vein and digitales volares propriae nerve.

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