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 恢复知觉 添加此单词到默认生词本
come to oneself
come around
recover from
regain consciousness
come to

  1. 拳击手被击昏之后,过了五分钟才恢复知觉
    The boxer got knocked out and didn't come to for five minutes.
  2. 此外,从植物人状态恢复知觉的人,额叶与顶叶间的网络和对外的联系也恢复了功能。
    Moreover, recovery from the vegetative state is paralleled by a functional restoration of the frontoparietal network and its connections.
  3. 警察发现她时,她躺在街道上,失去知觉。于是火速将其送往医院,随后老人渐渐恢复知觉
    Police officials found the woman lying unconscious on the street and rushed her to a hospital, where she is slowly recuperating.

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