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 总高 [zǒng gāo添加此单词到默认生词本
overall height
total height

  1. 梁截面度减小,房间的净空增加,房屋的层总高也有所降低。
    The height of the beam is decreased so that the net height of the room is increased, or the storey height and the total height of the building can be reduced .
  2. 观音阁里的33米(总高)杨枝观音像(像26米),是国内最的室内观音像,像身展开面积达1160平方米。
    Guanyinge in the 33 meters (high-General) pipefish audio-visual concept (like 26 meters high), is the highest in the concept of audio-visual room, who started as an area of 1160 square meters.
  3. 如今,铁塔上增设了广播和电视天线,它的总高已达320米。
    Today, the tower on the addition of radio and television antennas, and its total height reached 320 meters.

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