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 恋母情结的 添加此单词到默认生词本
[医] oedipal

  1. 首先不要爱上一个有恋母情结的人。他会爱他妈,远在你之上。
    First don't get a mami boy. He will always prefer his mother to you.
  2. 恋母情结的,充其量容易娶个大姐做老婆而已。
    There is the Oedipus Complex, at best, so easy to marry a wife more than Sister.
  3. 互联网全面介入我们生活的每个方面以前,一谈到色情成瘾的问题,我们就会联想到令人毛骨悚然的终身未娶的独身汉或者有恋母情结的怪人。
    Before the internet was ubiquitous in every aspect of our lives, porn addiction was for the creepy lifelong bachelor or the lonely guy with mommy issues.

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