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 恍若 [huǎng ruò添加此单词到默认生词本
as if

  1. 位于广场中心的彩色旱音乐喷泉突起,无数水花,恍若精灵起舞,活泼,轻盈,可爱。
    Place Center is located at the musical fountain dry color process, numerous water droplets Wizardhuang ruo dance, lively, light and lovely.
  2. 恍若回到童年,那一抹关于古木色的记忆,正牵引着灵魂在繁华而躁杂的都市里缓缓落定。
    Back to the childhood, it remains a about ancient wood, are pulling the memory of the soul in the bustling city of noise and calm slowly settled.
  3. 他为我们请了各种各样的老师,教我们怎样坐下、怎样站起,总之,他希望我们的举止言行都能够恍若古人。
    He hired different teachers, taught us how to walk, how to sit, and how to you know talk like old period, from that period of time.

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