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  1. 文章通过许昌公路管理总段局域网的构建和初步运行,计算机网络技术与公路管理相结合的基本情况,为公路管理部门进行局域网构建提供参考。
    Based on the practice of establishing LAN(Local Area Network)in ,Highway management department of Xuchang,this paper introduces the experience of combining computer network technology with highway management,which will certainly give reference to other highway management departments.
  2. 文摘:文章通过许昌公路管理总段局域网的构建和初步运行,计算机网络技术与公路管理相结合的基本情况,为公路管理部门进行局域网构建提供参考。
    Abstract: Based on the practice of establishing LAN(Local Area Network)in ,Highway management department of Xuchang,this paper introduces the experience of combining computer network technology with highway management,which will certainly give reference to other highway management departments.
  3. 同时质子输送数随着链长度、链数、浓度等的增加而增加。
    Number of proton transport also increases with increasing length of link segments, chain number, and total segmental concentration.

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