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 总水头 [zǒng shuǐ tóu添加此单词到默认生词本
gross head

  1. 这当然,回避的问题:什么是团长和水头损失是什么?
    This, of course, begs the questions: what is Total Head and what are Head Losses?
  2. 如何合理地将可利用的总水头分配到输水明渠各渠段,是大型调水工程设计的一个重要问题。
    It is a crucial issue to reasonably allocate overall water head to each section for a large-scale water diversion project during the period of project design.
  3. 结果表明,对沿途均匀泄流管道来说,其作用水头不能仅以压头为计算依据,而应以总水头为准。
    The results indicate that orifice efficient water head is total water head and is not hydraulic head for uniform discharge along porous pipe.

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