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 总氨 [zǒng ān添加此单词到默认生词本
total ammonia

  1. 2005年通过对骆马湖水质监测,并结合近几年的监测资料进行了分析,结果表明,氮是骆马湖水体的主要污染物,包括氮、氮和硝酸盐氮,其主要特征是入湖河流、降水、围网养殖和点源带来的污染。
    Based on the water monitoring of Luomahu lake in 2005 and the monitoring data in recent few years,the nitrogen pollution characteristics were analyzed.The results showed that the nitrogen was the main pollution factor,including total nitrogen,ammonia nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen,which mainly came from the inlet river,precipitation,aquatic-breeding and point sources.
  2. 可根据现场水质的情况,选择不同配置构成TOC/COD分析仪、氮、磷等在线监测仪器的预处理系统。
    According to the situation of water quality, you can select different equipments to constitute the pretreatment system in the on-line monitoring devices, such as the analyzer for TOC/COD monitoring, ammonia nitrogen and phosphorus .
  3. 摘要文章通过对不同渗滤层中生物量、有机质、CEC(阳离子交换容量)和对氮去除效果间关系的分析来讨沦人工快速渗滤系统去除氮的机理。
    This article discussed the mechanism of removing Ammonia Nitrogen with the artificial fast filtration system by analyzing the ability of removing Ammonia Nitrogen related to the biomass, organic matter and CEC (the total cation exchange capacity) in different filtration layers.

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