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 幂级数展开 添加此单词到默认生词本
[数] power series expansion

  1. 第三种方法是把待求级数用基本初等函数的幂级数展开式表示出来;
    The third one is to let series be expressed by basic elementary function's power series expansion;
  2. 有理函数在原点附近的幂级数展开的求解问题,一般的处理是求展开式前若干项。
    To expand rational functions nearby origin as power progression, the general method is to make out some former item of the expansion.
  3. 利用对时变电磁场的波数进行幂级数展开的方法求解了低频电磁场中导电椭球问题。
    The problem of a conducting ellipsoid in a low-frequency field is solved by expanding in power series of the wave number of time varying fields.

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