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 幅值误差 [fú zhí wù chā添加此单词到默认生词本
[电子] amplitude error

  1. 从相位误差幅值线性度这两个方面考虑,根据仿真计算结果,得出最优的频率比。
    The paper, based on the simulation results , presents the optimum frequency ratio from the two following aspects:phase error and magnitude linearity.
  2. 与传统方法相比,精度和细化倍数都有较大提高,幅值误差小于1%,最大细化倍数可达2000倍以上。
    Compared with traditional methods, its accuracy and zoom time have been improved a lot, and the amplitude error is less than 1%, the maximum zoom time is more than 2000.
  3. 分析了某发电厂主变压器二次高低压侧均为B相接地的变电系统中两侧间的相位及幅值关系,并进行了测量误差分析。
    This paper analyzes the relations between the phases and value of voltage at the high voltage side and low voltage side in the phase B connecting the ground system.

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