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 局部锁 [jú bù suǒ添加此单词到默认生词本
[计] local lock

  1. 该策略采用了IP多播、双钥和基于全局/局部/状态次序编号的次序管理机制。
    This scheme depends on IP Multicast protocol, Twin-Keys Locking mechanism and Sequence Management based on Global/Local/Status Order Numbers.
  2. 如果的引用限制在局部空间中,说明只有创建这个的线程才会访问该
    When references to a lock are limited to some local scope, it implies that only the thread that created the lock will ever have access to that lock.
  3. 延时抽芯时为了在开模时,等紧楔垂直局部分开了滑块才停止开模,不让因为紧楔阻挠滑块这个侧面不克不及开模。
    To delay at the core pulling in a mode, such as locking wedge from the vertical part of a slider to open mode, so as locking wedge block slider this side could not die.

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