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 局部麻醉药 添加此单词到默认生词本
[药] local anesthetic

  1. 现已在医学和牙科方面合法用作局部麻醉药,但有更多人非法使用,把它当作盐酸化物。
    It has legal uses in medicine and dentistry as a local anesthetic but far more is used illegally, usually as the hydrochloride.
  2. 苯酚使用的禁忌症:外科手术治疗时局部麻醉药过敏,出血紊乱症,怀孕。
    Contraindications to surgical therapy include allergy to local anesthetics, bleeding disorder, or pregnancy if phenol use is considered.
  3. 布朗特也说他看到地板上有三瓶开着的利多卡因(局部麻醉药),莫里从来没有提到过曾给杰克逊用过这种药。
    Blount also said he saw three open bottles of lidocaine on the floor of the room but noted that Murray never mentioned giving Jackson the painkiller.

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