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 局部镦粗 添加此单词到默认生词本
local upsetting

  1. 最后,对铝合金厚板的传统圆孔翻边和局部镦粗圆孔翻边工艺进行了验证。
    Finally, the traditional burring and upsetting-burring processes for the thick sheet of aluminum alloy were verified.
  2. 如果缺少系统的局部镦粗规则的指导,则会造成大量的试模时间和材料的浪费。
    In the absence of systematic upsetting instructions, we would waste quite a few materials as well as a great deal of time for model experimenting.
  3. 本文用常温云纹法与数值模拟法研究了筒体锻件整体镦粗局部镦粗工艺的变形规律,得到了整体镦粗工艺的坯料尺寸图。
    The deformation law of both solid and local upsetting processes for cylinder forging is investigated by moire method at room temperature and numerical simulation in this paper.

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