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 对数周期天线 添加此单词到默认生词本
log-periodical antenna
log-periodic antenna

  1. 所得结论不仅丰富了对数周期天线的分析思路和方法,而且进一步有力验证了互联网络子结构思想的正确性和有效性。
    It not Only richens the analysis method of LPDA, but also validates the validity of the substructure analyzing method of interconnect-net.
  2. 本文采用矩量法分析和计算了对数周期天线在张角较大时,它的阻抗、电压驻波比、增益及方向图的宽带特性,讨论了这些特性与天线结构参数之间的关系.根据分析和计算,设计并制作天线进行实验测试,理论计算和测试结果表明,两者吻合较好.
    The method of moments is used to analyze and calculate the broadband characters of impedance,voltage satanding wave ratio(VSWR),gain and radiation pattern of larger angle LPDA,and the relation between these characters and the parameter of antenna construction is discussed in this paper.Based on analysis and calculation,the antenna is designed and tested,and the measured results are in good agreement with the theoretical calculation.
  3. 摘要文中介绍了互联网络子结构分析方法,并应用该方法对对数周期偶极天线进行特性分析。
    This paper presents a new method, the substructure analyzing method of interconnect-net, and analyzes the properties of LPDA.

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