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 对数图 添加此单词到默认生词本
logarithmic graph
[数] logarithmic chart

  1. 绘制对数图是很容易的。
    The construction of a logarithmic diagram is straightforward.
  2. 结果表明,计算风速廓线与实测风速廓线吻合得比较好,在半对数图上均为上凸的曲线,有别于无风沙运动时的直线。
    It is revealed that the wind profiles with saltation cloud are up-convex curves on the log-linear plot rather than the straight lines of the clean wind.
  3. 我们都非常关心能源和环境,这是一个对数图,显示出每两年平稳的倍增,以我们正创造出的太阳能总量计算。
    And we're all concerned about energy and the environment. Well this is a logarithmic graph. This represents a smooth doubling, every two years, of the amount of solar energy we're creating.

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