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 对数坐标 [duì shù zuò biāo添加此单词到默认生词本
logarithmic coordinates

  1. 摘要利用双对数坐标图研究木星卫星的有关数据关系,可以清晰地看出木星卫星的一些力学特征。
    Using loglog coordinate the data relationship of Jupiter's satellites are studied, some mechanical properties of the satellites are revealed.
  2. 白噪声、布郎运动以及其它满足在双对数坐标中呈一直线的信号具分形结构、自相似性或尺度无关性。
    The white noise, Brown and other signals which present the linear characteristics in the power spectra-frequency space with bi-logarithm coordinates are of the fractal structure, self-similarity and scale independence.
  3. 研究、模拟在双对数坐标中成一直线的信号以及如何将多维分形中多个这种信号剖分出来,对于理解相应的地质、地球物理成因机制具有重要意义。
    It is of great significance to simulate, recognize these kinds of signals for understanding the related genesis mechanisms of geological and geophysiccal processes.

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