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 对外价格 [duì wài jià gé添加此单词到默认生词本
[物价] external price

  1. 合作方式:商用房对外招租,价格面议。
    Cooperation method: Commercial rooms for renting, the price is negotiable.
  2. 家养纯种德国牧羊犬,18个月大,有血统,种公对外借配,价格面议,有意者请电话联系。
    Domestic purebred German shepherd dog, 18 months old, race, a loan with the public, price negotiable, interested please call.
  3. 而且,我们对外价格波动一直非常脆弱,引进的新技术或者相关工业的增长寥寥无几。
    Moreover, we remain vulnerable to external price shocks and receive very little transfer of technology, or growth in related industries.

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