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 固体渗硼剂 添加此单词到默认生词本
pack boronizing medium

  1. 探讨了木炭粉加入量对固体渗硼剂结块的影响。
    The influence of amount of wood coal addition on the agglomeration of pack boriding agent with borax has been discussed.
  2. 探讨了石墨粉加入量对砂型固体渗硼剂结块的影响。
    The influence of amount of graphite powder addition on the agglomeration of pack boriding agent with borax has been discussed.
  3. 介绍一种含稀土元素廉价的固体渗硼剂,并对其进行了渗硼工艺试验。
    The boronizing supply agent of a low-priced solid with RE was introduced, and the experiment of the boronizing process was studied.

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