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 固体火箭推进剂 添加此单词到默认生词本
solid rocket propellant

  1. 固体火箭推进剂是一种粘弹性高聚物,同时又是颗粒基复合材料。其断裂实验难度较大。
    Solid rocket propellant is a kind of high filled granular composite with viscoelastic behavior so that the experimental researches on its fracture are very difficult.
  2. 密闭燃烧器法是一种能测定很宽压强范围内固体火箭推进剂燃速特性及变化情况的快速测量方法。
    Burning rate measurement with closed burner is a rapid method for measuring burning rate character and its change of solid rocket propellants in a wide pressure range.
  3. 然而我的理解是,“混合动力”火箭引擎同时使用固体燃料和液态或气态推进剂
    However, from what I gather, "hybrid" rocket engines use both solid and liquid or gas propellants.

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