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 固体火箭发动机 添加此单词到默认生词本
solid rocket engine

  1. 分析和试验说明,固体火箭发动机在采取了合理的消除静电措施的情况下,是可以避免静电放电着火发生的。
    Results of analysis and test show the accident ignition of SRM by ESD can be avoided if the proper measures of electrostatic elimination are used.
  2. 随着底排—火箭复合增程弹的发展,对固体火箭发动机在高速旋转条件下工作性能的要求越来越高。
    Technology advancements in Base-bleed and Rocket Combined Improved Range Projectile have led to demanding requirements for the working performance of solid propellant rocket engine.
  3. 分析了固液发动机推进剂的燃烧特性和发动机性能特性、与液体和固体火箭发动机的不同,以及研制的技术难度等。
    The propellant feature of burning behavior and engine in hybrid engine, the differences to liquid and solid engine and the difficulties of technology in development were analyzed.

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