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 口头传播 添加此单词到默认生词本
word of mouth

  1. 罗宾逊说该网站只允许大约15%的会员介绍新会员入会,藉此来保持网站的“信用和口头传播的方式”。
    Mr. Robinson says the site maintains its 'trust and word of mouth' by allowing only about 15% of its members to invite new members.
  2. 老会员的口头传播也是一个不可忽视的因素,坚持锻炼的人,体形或多或少会有所改变,精神状态的改变更大。
    The verbal communication of old members is also a factor that can not be ignored. People keep up training will have their figure change more or less and the change in mental state is much greater.
  3. 以上述塞恩菲尔德为主角的广告为例,设计该广告就是旨在测试互联网、电视和“口头传播”广告之间的相互影响。
    The campaign featuring Mr Seinfeld, for example, has been designed to test the interaction between internet, TV and "word-of-mouth" advertising.

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