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 口头契约 [kǒu tóu qì yuē添加此单词到默认生词本
oral contract
contractus verbis

  1. 口头证据不能用来否认书面契约条款的规则。
    a rule that oral evidence cannot be used to contradict the terms of a written contract.
  2. 代理的产生可以是根据契约,书面或口头协定等明示方式。
    Agency may be created expressly by deed, writing or oral appointment.
  3. 为本款之目的,“代理人”应指与公司和/或其附属机构有(书面或口头契约性委托关系的第三方。
    For the purposes of this clause, "agent" shall mean a third party which has a contractual (written or oral) principal/agent relationship with the Company and/or its Affiliates.

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