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 口头允诺 添加此单词到默认生词本
parol promise

  1. 反过来说,如买方已给付部分买价并占有了上述地产或对该产业作了永久性的加工改良,那么卖方转让产权的口头允诺就能强制执行了。
    Conversely, if the buyer has paid part of the purchase price and taken possession of the premises or made permanent improvements to the property will be enforceable.
  2. 他们口头上答应养狗却没兑现而这差不多是我从出生到现在他们允诺我后唯一没有实现的事情。
    And saying we would get a dog and not following through was pretty much the ONLY thing my parents ever promised that didn't happen in my life so far.
  3. 我们需要真正的帮助,而不仅仅是口头允诺
    We need real help, not just promises.

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