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 受精膜 添加此单词到默认生词本
fertilization membranes

  1. 受精膜举起后,由次级卵母细胞排放出第二极体。
    After fertilization membrane was lifted, the secondary egg emitted the second polar body into the perivitelline space.
  2. 采用透射电子显微镜研究了拟穴青蟹受精膜形成过程中线粒体的变化及其功能。
    The changes and functions of mitochondria during the process of fertilization membrane(Fm) formation in Scylla paramamosain were investigated by transmission electron microscope.
  3. 由壳受精膜构成的孵化为初级卵,保护胚胎发育,直至幼体破而出。
    The hatching membrane which was composed of chorion and fertilization membrane was the primary egg membrane, and protected the embryo development from harm material till the larva hatched.

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