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 受胎率 添加此单词到默认生词本
pregnancy rate
[畜牧] conception rate

  1. 如果你想始终获得高受胎率、短产犊期和高产奶量,你必须提供充足数量的必要营养!
    If you want consistent high conception rates, shorter calving periods and high milk production, you must provide the necessary nutrients in adequate quantities!
  2. 本文分析了高温对奶牛产奶量、母犊初生重和奶牛情期受胎率的影响。
    The article has analyzed and discussed the interact among high temperature and the milk yield; heifer initial weight and conception rates during the estrous period.
  3. 本文进行了牛胚胎冷冻与移植受胎技术研究,摸索出了提高牛冷冻胚胎成活和移植受胎率的综合配套技术。
    Boveine embryo freezing and transfer technologies were studied in this paper. We found out a comprehensive technique improving bovine frozen embryo survival rate and transfer pregnancy rate.

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