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 受聘 [shòu pìn添加此单词到默认生词本
offered appointment

  1. 回到葡萄牙后,我受聘于一家工程公司,参与了一项宏大的工程:改装所有水泥厂。
    Back in Portugal, I was hired by an engineering company for a grandiose project to remodel all our cement plants.
  2. 在市场需求增长的同时,受聘笔译员和口译员的素质良莠不齐的情况引起了不少业内人士的关注。
    Due to this growth in demand, many in the industry are concerned about the qualifications of the translators and interpreters hired to do the work.
  3. 受聘的咨询顾问建议与商业界携手合作。
    The consultant hired suggested linking up with the business community.

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