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 双目视觉 [shuāng mù shì jué添加此单词到默认生词本
[生理] binocular vision

  1. 它们具有好的双目视觉吗?
    Do they have good binocular vision?
  2. 为计算机双目视觉识别系统与相应的康复治疗系统相结合提供了较好的基础。
    This algorithm bring up with good base on which the computerized binocular system is combined with rehabilitative treatment system.
  3. 该方法同BP神经网络预测结果对比表明:基于最小二乘支持向量机的双目视觉标定方法速度快,实时性好,能有效提高标定精度。
    The comparison with BP neural network shows that the calibration accuracy can be improved by using the LS-SVM. The real-time performance is good and response velocity is quick.

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