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 双眼皮 [shuāng yǎn pí添加此单词到默认生词本
double eye

  1. 他的黑亮的眼睛,不是双眼皮,但是却大大的,闪烁着光芒。
    HIs dark black eyes have no double eyelids but they are big and always twinkle.
  2. 我表姐几天前才做了割双眼皮的手术,看起来还蛮不错的呢!
    My cousin just had a double eyelid operation few days ago, and it looks not bad.
  3. 近33%的人表示他们会考虑做双眼皮手术,其次是矫正牙齿和重塑脸型。
    Nearly 33 percent said they would consider double eyelid surgery, followed by cosmetic improvement of the teeth and face shaping.

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